My Mini Birthday Celebration
Mini party with my friends @ home
We were back at United Square this evening for a mini-birthday celebration with a two cousins – Aidan and Keith. It was just a simple dinner @ the Globetrotters. Mommy thought that since I would be the main “star” of that day (with Aidan and Keith as my “supporting actors”), we should dine at a place where we could have fun… =).
We were the first to arrive and I starting with my dinner first before my guests arrived coz I was really hungry… =P. Keith and Aidan arrived shortly when I just began my dinner. I had fried rice and ate some of Daddy’s pizza. Keith was the first to enter the play area coz he already had his dinner before he came over. Aidan was very eager to join him as he sat restlessly on the highchair, trying to finish his dinner as soon as possible. I just continued to have my dinner.

I finally joined Keith and Aidan in the play area after I was done with my dinner. And I decided to drag Daddy along with me. The play area was crowded with kids running around. The whole area has a rubberized floor. Inside it, there are many entertainments for kids - a kitchen set, a mini slide, a car, some books, lego blocks etc. As usual, I didn’t dare to explore around at first – sticking as near to Daddy as possible, making sure that Daddy was within my reach or my sight.
Whenever I ran into any “trouble” (eg another kid blocking my way), I would turn to Daddy and asked him to “抱抱” (to rescue me from the situation). But Daddy wanted me to solve my own “problem” instead… =(. After sometime, I managed to warm up and roamed around more freely.

Exploring the play area
Just when I managed to warm up, Daddy told me that the cake was here. This year, my birthday cake was a strawberry shortcake from Bakerzin. I was seated between Aidan and Keith with all the adults surrounding us and they sang “Happy Birthday” to me. Mommy had been practicing candle blowing with me for the whole of last week but before I could blow off the candles, Keith beat me to it… =(. The candles were lit up again for me to blow them off and I finally managed to blow them off with Mommy’s help. After seeing Keith and I doing that, Aidan wanted to blow the candles too and we lit it up for the third time. We had some photos taken but unfortunately, I didn’t smile in any of the photos.

The cake was really yummy and I finished my potion all on my own. But I couldn’t have my cake in peace coz my two cousins were “fighting” over the toys that I had prepared for them (with me stuck in the middle). They were so noisy that I had to shout at them to stop.
Yummy… yummy… yummy…
After eating the cake, we went back into the play area. This time, I was much lively and willing to enter the play area alone before we called it a day at around 8.30pm.
When we reached home, it was time to open my present… hehe.

hello, by next blog, next blog, next blog I found yours :).
Let me tell you. You have a lovely daughter and you seem a happy family.
Regards :D
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