Dining Out With My Buffet Kakis Again
Today is Wednesday and it was our dining out night again. I met up with my buffet kakis (Sharwyn and Gabriel) again to enjoy another round for 1-for-1 buffet. This time, the venue was Orchard Café @ the Orchard Hotel.

My buffet kakis… =)
It was a rainy evening and there was traffic jam everywhere – in the end, we were the last to arrive. I wasn’t hungry but still managed to snack a little bit of sliced fish, some assorted cake, marshmallow, red bean soup (less the bean), and chocolate ice cream.
I was the champion again – stayed seated for the longest duration. Sharwyn remain seated for a much longer duration too – I guessed there wasn’t any pond around here to distract us from our eating. After around two hours of eating, all of us started to get restless and decided to run around the area. By this time, there were only a few of us left in the café.

Running around the cafe
Gabriel was trying hard to “tackle” me whole night, running after me, hugging me really tight. I must learn a few tricks from Sharwyn on how made he back off.
It was another late night for me. I finally knocked out @ around 11pm (an hour after my usual bedtime).
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