Bad Hair Day
Bad Hair Day

Must call NaiNai to complain about Daddy
A Visit to MAH
Aunty Hwee Ping had just given birth to a baby boy. Mommy arranged to visit her @ Mount Alvernia Hospital with Uncle Lip Sing @ 2pm. Mommy and Daddy dragged me out of the house before I could have my lunch coz we were running late.
However, we didn’t manage to catch any glimpse of the baby coz he was in the nursery. The certain of the nursery was all drawn up and Aunty Hwee Ping could not bring the baby out coz she just had a C section. We didn’t stay for so long coz I was making noise due to an empty stomach… =P
Finally I got to consume my lunch @ around 3pm at the hospital’s café.
By the way, thank you Uncle Lip Sing for this nice pair of slippers.

Aidan’s Birthday Present
We went down to OG Chinatown to hunt for Aidan KorKor’s birthday present again (coz there was a sales there) and to top-up my baby supplies. We were very disappointed coz the 20% discount only applied to blue tagged items (and we didn’t see any blue tagged items @ all). Anyway, we bought a LeapPad learning system for Aidan (Hope that he will like it).
GuGu, Gu Zhang and Aidan came over for dinner.

My Development Updates
- Able to self feed yoghurt without too much wastage (much improvement than previous time where yoghurt can fly through the air)
- New word: “more” - understand the concept of more and use 1 finger to gesture “1 more time”
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