Disney On Ice
There was a change of venue for today’s session. We shifted to Aunty Kelly’s place (instead of the usual Aunty’ Sharon’s place). I took another uncharacteristic nap in the taxi while we were on our way to Aunty Kelly’s place (just less than 2 and ½ hour after waking up). Fortunately I woke up just in time for the commencement of the session.
Attendance: Athena, Gabriel, Justin, Ryhan, Sharwyn and Me
Playgroup Outline:
1. Welcome Song (All)
2. Yoga Session (by Uncle Kevin) – We started the session with yoga instead of the usual storytelling.
3. Story-telling (by Aunty Sharon) – Aunty Sharon told us a story about Panda. There was this panda on the book that would make some noise each time you pressed its nose. All of us took turns to press its nose.
4. Mandarin Session (by Mommy) – Mommy flashed numbers in chinese character with those red dots, told a story about “妈妈” and did a 绕口领 (tongue twister).
5. Singing Session (Aunty Sharon & Aunty Apple) – I learnt 3 new songs today: “Buckle My Shoe” and “I’m a Little Teapot” by Aunty Sharon and “1 Little2 Little 3 Little Fingers” by Aunty Apple.
6. Arts and Crafts Session (All) – Today’s arts and crafts session was free play with colours. A giant mahjong paper (joined by 2 X 2 standard size mahjong papers) was placed on the ground. All of us (the toddlers) sat on the mahjong paper and did what we wanted to do. Mommy went around flashing flash cards with different colours written on it.
7. Makan Session
8. Special Segment – Test-drive of Athena’s car

The adult had a great makan session @ Aunty Kelly’s place. She prepared fried bee hoon, egg omelet, curry chicken and sambal prawn. For dessert, Daddy brought the signature cake (Chocolate Paradise) from Chocolat ‘N’ Spice. So much yummy food around and I only got to eat some bread and little bit of the cake… =(

Athena’s little green car was the main attraction of the playground. All of us were attracted to it (especially the boys – Gabriel, Justin and Ryhan). The adults brought down the car to the multi-purpose pavilion for a test drive. Uncle Ben also brought along Gabriel’s tricycle. Everyone took turns to have a ride in the car. None of us knew how to steer (except Ryhan) and the adults had to run along the car to help us to steer the car to avoid collision. Although most of my friends enjoyed the ride, I didn’t really enjoy the ride – it was pretty scary to me. I preferred the tricycle instead… hehe. Daddy could save up for me and get me a REAL car when I am much older… wahaha.

While the rest were having fun, Daddy spotted a playground nearby and we explored it. It was my first time on the slide and it was FUN and I went down the slide twice. Too bad the weather was very hot, we didn’t stay outdoors for too long and went into the shade briefly.
After the test drive, we went upstairs to rest for a while. That was when Daddy received a phone call and said we had to go. He said something about been activated and recalled.
Thank you Aunty Kelly for all the nice food.
Thank you Athena for lending us your car.
Thank you Gabriel for leading us your tricycle.
Disney On Ice
Daddy dropped us off @ Tampines (to meet up with YiYi) before he hurried back home to fetch his stuff. We went to watch “Disney On Ice” with YiYi, Aidan and Keith KorKor’s families. I was so sleepy that I fell asleep when we were on the way to Indoor Stadium. I actually slept through most part of the first half of the show and only managed to catch 15 minutes of the show before the interlude. I walked around during the break and as soon as the show resumed, I fell asleep again. Mommy couldn’t believe it – for the entire 2 hours of show, I only managed to catch 15 minutes of it. I stayed asleep for the entire second half and woke up when we boarded Uncle Justin’s car to pick Daddy up for dinner.
Dinner @ Great World City
We had dinner @ Jack’s Place (@ Great World City). Mommy had salmon for dinner and she shared some of the salmon and baked potato with me. I saw Aidan KorKor and Keith KorKor having french fries but Daddy said I was still too young to eat fries.
We had a long day today… so tired.
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