Meeting A VVIP
I was a little angel (as usual =P) this morning - spending the morning reading books on my own while Mommy dozed off beside me. Mommy noticed the slight change in my habit now. Last time I liked to pass Mommy books to read. Now, I prefer to “read” on my own.

Reading session @ home
Although today was only the second lesson @ GUG, the Sunday-morning-nap-arrangement was working really well for all of us. I would drink my morning between 11am-12pm and take my nap after that. While I was sleeping, Mommy would go buy lunch while Daddy prepared my lunch. Usually, Mommy and Daddy would have a peaceful lunch. My lunch would be ready by 1pm. Daddy and Mommy would wake me up from my sleep (1 hr ~ 1.5 hr). Daddy and Mommy would then take turns to feed me lunch. We would leave for the lesson latest @ 1.45pm. Although it was a bit rush but we still made it to the lesson on time. =)
2nd Session @ GUG
Mommy attended the session with me again while Daddy went around the mall to shop for GuGu’s birthday present.
As usual, we sang the welcome and action songs. Today’s letter was the letter ‘R’ – we were introduced to an animal called rabbit. For arts and crafts, we got to eat our classwork… hehe. It was a ring cut out from a circular paper plate, we spread strawberry jam on the plate and stuck Kellogg’s Froot loops onto the jam. At the end of the lesson, we got to eat the Froot loops but Mommy didn’t allow me to – claiming that the jam was too sweet for me… =(.
After the lesson, we didn’t walked around as Daddy’s legs were still suffering from cramps. We had a quick bite @ Uncle Donald’s place before making our way home.
I found a run-away balloon in the mall
Having a quick bite @ Uncle Donald’s place
Seeing A VVIP
While walking home from the MRT, we came across some cow poster boards in the empty green patch. Mommy asked me to post for some pictures.

Moo… moo… moo
After crossing the road, we saw a lot people crowding around the market area. My KP Daddy and Mommy decided to hang around to see what was going on there. We saw a lot of flag with a lightning sign in the middle of a circle.
Daddy told me that we were waiting to catch a glimpse of a VVIP (VeryVery Important Person) – MM Lee. It was the very first Daddy and Mommy saw him in person and at such a close distance – they were more excited than me… hehe. Too bad we didn’t have a chance to shake his hand.
What am I waiting for?
MM Lee in person
A blur shot by Daddy
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