Playgroup Session 7
Today is a Saturday and also a public holiday – polling day but Daddy and Mommy didn’t need to vote.
Playground Session 7
I had a date (playgroup session) with the rest of the gang @ Sharwyn’s place.
We were the first to arrived coz we took a cab there as Daddy swore that his legs were very cramped for him to get the MRT-LRT route. We got to watch Barney VCD for a short while before the rest arrived. And I got a chance to take a seat at the “throne” again… =P.

Playground Session 7
I had a date (playgroup session) with the rest of the gang @ Sharwyn’s place.
We were the first to arrived coz we took a cab there as Daddy swore that his legs were very cramped for him to get the MRT-LRT route. We got to watch Barney VCD for a short while before the rest arrived. And I got a chance to take a seat at the “throne” again… =P.

Taking a seat @ the throne
Attendance: Athena, Gabriel, Rhyan, Sharwyn and Me
Playgroup Outline:
1. Song (All) – We did our usual Welcome Song and some songs with actions. I didn’t join in the action songs as I was fussing for my milk.
2. English Story-telling (by Aunty Kelly) – Today’s stories was “Where is baby’s mummy?” and “More More More Said the baby”.
3. Yogi Session (by Uncle Kevin) – I didn’t join in the session as I was pretty clingy today.
4. Mandarin Session (by Mommy) – Mommy told us a short story about a "xiao lao shu" and she did flashing of some actions word flashcards.
5. Arts and Crafts (by Aunty Sharon) – Each of us made our mummies a Mother’s Day card. Aunty Sharon prepared a heart-shape card and all we needed to do was to put the ribbon through the holes and wrote our own message on it. Daddy helped me to complete mine… =).
Having my milk
Random shots from the session
Making a card for Mommy
We had a visitor today - Kieran
Eat-all-you-can cheerios buffet session
Actually, I wasn’t in the best of mood today. I was very cranky and clingy throughout the playground session. Daddy felt that we should have stay at home to rest instead.
We didn’t join the rest for lunch as Mommy detected signs showing that I was sleepy and wanted to sleep. Mommy decided to leave early to GongGong’s place. Since Aunty Mel’s family was heading in the same direction, we shared a cab with Athena.
An Embarrassing Trip
It was an embarrassing journey for Daddy and Mommy coz I was screaming, crying and fussing in the taxi. I wanted to sleep and needed my milk or Mommy to stand up and pat me to sleep. However, Daddy and Mommy were very determined to stop giving me any unscheduled milk feeds and there was no space for Mommy to stand up too. Eventually, I knocked out on Mommy’s shoulder after 10 solid minutes of fussing. I must have stressed out Aunty Mel (who was beside me).
Sorry Aunty Mel =P.
Napping @ GongGong’s Place
I continued the rest of my nap in YiYi’s room while Daddy and Mommy enjoyed a peaceful lunch. I managed to wake up @ 4pm (missing my lunch and had milk instead). I was rather cranky after the nap (probably due to the heat and an empty stomach). Mommy decided to go home instead of loitering around with a cranky baby and a grown-up man with a pair of cramped legs (Daddy had been complaining about cramps since Friday after his IPPT on Thursday).
Finally, I consumed my lunch cum dinner @ 5.30pm and we spend the rest of the evening lazing at home.
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