Happy Father's Day
Happy Father’s Day to all the daddies out there… =)
Breakfast @ Hawker Center
Daddy and Mommy wanted to have something more oriental for breakfast this morning. As a result, we ended up having our breakfast at the nearby hawker center. The seats have a little metal backing which is safer for me to sit on. I had wantan noodle, black carrot cake and butter/kaya toast (little of everything). I liked the noodle best – I would go “面 面” when I requested Mommy to give me more.

Breakfast @ Hawker Center
Daddy and Mommy wanted to have something more oriental for breakfast this morning. As a result, we ended up having our breakfast at the nearby hawker center. The seats have a little metal backing which is safer for me to sit on. I had wantan noodle, black carrot cake and butter/kaya toast (little of everything). I liked the noodle best – I would go “面 面” when I requested Mommy to give me more.

Yummy… yummy…
Grocery shopping @ NTUC after breakfast is fast becoming part of Sunday’s standard routine. But there will be some changes from next Sunday onwards as my new semester @ GUG will be changed to 9.30am session.
I am really a great helper when it comes to grocery shopping. I will help Daddy to push the shopping cart around and put items into the cart. But there is a catch – I must approve the purchase of the items. If I don’t like the item, I will refuse to let the item go inside the cart… =P

It is hard work…
Last Lesson @ GUG
Today was the last lesson of the semester and the teachers arranged for a mini farewell party after the lesson. Each of us was required to bring an item for the party - I brought sandwiches (egg mayo and tuna mayo).
Today’s letter was ‘X’. I was introduced to a new friend called Xavier. Xavier is a fox (an animal ending with the letter ‘X’) and he has a magical box with many stickers inside. Since there isn’t many words starting with the letter ‘X’, Teacher Evelyn taught us words ending with the letter ‘X’ instead. For arts and crafts session, my work was to paint a fox with brown paint. But the fox looked very funny coz there was a missing tail - I had to stick a tail onto the fox.
The party finally commenced after the lesson. There were a lot of things to eat – sandwiches, biscuits, jellies, fishballs and cakes. The cake was so yummy that that I was still holding on to it after the lesson. Mommy also had a great time eating the food… hehe.

Finally… the PARTY
Still holding on to the yummy cake… =)
My Second Haircut
Mommy felt that my hair was getting long and she brought me to a haircut @ the Junior League. I was a little angel as I stay seated motionlessly throughout the haircut – with Mommy coaxing me with a toy by the side. But Mommy wasn’t happy with the end result. She complained that the hairstylist wasn't good enough and my haircut looked ugly. Daddy might have done a better job… hehe.

Having a haircut
My new haircut – Nice?
I Know My Body Parts
On my face – Eyes, Eyebrows, Nose, Ears, Mouth, Teeth, Hair, Tongue, Lips, Head
On my upper body – Neck, Hands, Fingers, Elbows, Nipples, Belly, Bellybutton, Back
On my lower body – Legs, Toes, Feet
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