Last Lesson @ GUG
I woke up earlier than the usual Sunday morning and saw Daddy preparing the egg mayo sandwich that was meant for the class party. I offered my help but he declined coz I probably would slow him down instead. When Daddy was done, we quickly packed up and left for the lesson.
My First Prata
There is this Jalan Kayu Prata Shop branch at United Square and Daddy wanted to try it. Mommy gave me half of her plain prata and I had my very first prata with sugar this morning… =).
My First Prata
There is this Jalan Kayu Prata Shop branch at United Square and Daddy wanted to try it. Mommy gave me half of her plain prata and I had my very first prata with sugar this morning… =).
Having my very first prata
It wasn’t really that fantastic and I didn’t really like it. Instead of sitting down to eat my breakfast, I ended up entertaining myself by walking on the bench and looking myself in the mirror.
Entertaining myself while Daddy and Mommy had breakfast
Last Lesson @ GUG
Today was officially my last lesson at GUG. After four terms with them, Daddy and Mommy felt that it was a good time for me to stop and take a short break before my childcare starts. Yes, if everything goes on smoothly, I will be in childcare next year February.
Today’s session was relatively short coz we had our usual end of term party. It seemed like most of us wouldn’t be continuing with the lesson coz I saw most of my classmate collecting their nametags too (we only collected our name tags if they were not coming back for the new semester).
The makan session

All party will be completed without bubble time… =)

Taking a last photo in class with Mommy and Daddy

All party will be completed without bubble time… =)

Taking a last photo in class with Mommy and Daddy
My Christmas Shopping
I was invited to a Christmas party this coming Saturday and I had to prepare some presents for my friends. Toy ‘R’ Us seemed to be a good place to start with and there is one at United Square. We went in to take a look after my lesson.
I was stuck at the sunglasses stand again. In the end, I managed to con Mommy into buy one for me… hehe. Mommy got the price tag removed so that I could wear it immediately. However, I preferred to put it on my head. And I would reach out to touch it just to make sure that it was still on my head every 5-10 seconds… =P.
Me and my new sunglass… =)
We managed to get 90% of the shopping done and went home after that. I woke up too early this morning and was feeling so tired and I fell asleep in the car without taking my lunch.
Pissing Mommy Off
I woke up from my sleep after just an hour due to my cough and couldn’t sleep any more.
The timing was just nice too coz Aunty Christina was here to pass me my Christmas present and Christine DiDi would be here too. Mommy wanted to bring me downstairs to meet them. Actually they were waiting at the loading/unloading bay but I had other ideas as I wanted to head towards the NTUC instead (which is in the opposite direction). I just kept on fussing and pissing Mommy off. It was the first time I saw Mommy so angry with me… =(.
Raining All Day Long
It was a rainy afternoon and Daddy decided to stay indoors for the rest of the day. Daddy was busy wrapping the presents and I lent him a helping hand. But I was careless and had a fall after slipping on some wrapping paper. Fortunately it wasn’t anything serious.
Since I enjoyed painting a lot, Mommy bought me a glass deco kit sometime back and she decided to let me try it today. There were two pieces of artwork in the kit – a fish and an owl. I chose to paint the fish first. I managed to do most part of the work (70%) while Mommy and Daddy guided me along for some part. It was kind of fun and I couldn’t wait to do the second one… =).
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