Visiting Aunty Sharon
I woke up at 6.30am for my milk and couldn’t fall asleep after that. I started to feel bored coz Daddy was still in his dreamland while Mommy was busy preparing to go out. So, I requested to watch Barney. While I was watching happily, I was interrupted by Daddy coz it was time to get changes and to go for my lesson. I didn’t want to stop watching and started crying and fussing.
In the end, I lost the battle even though I was fussing all the way to United Square. My mood got better only when I had my usual toast @ Ya Kun.
Session @ GUG
Today’s letter of the day was “Q” and Teacher Zee introduced a quail called Queeny to us. I wore a tiara in the classroom and pretended to be a queen… hehe. For project, I made a mouse with cucumber (ear), bread (face), raisins (eyes and nose), carrot strip (whiskers) and tomato (mouth).
I woke up early this morning and I am so tired after the class that I fell asleep in the car while we were on our way to Mt Alvernia.
Visiting Aunty Sharon
We dropped by to pay Aunty Sharon and Baby Shaynnen a visit after my GUG session. When I woke up, I was already in the hospital. Mommy commented that Baby Shannen has very nice features – see for yourself if you don’t believe.
Gabriel’s family was also there. And I had a minor accident while playing with Gabriel – he wanted to gave me a hug but both of us fell in the process with him hitting his head onto the floor and me hitting my head onto his forehead… =(

As it was getting late, we bid goodbye to Aunty Sharon before making our way to Zion Road for lunch. I wanted to eat fish today but the store selling sliced fish noodle wasn’t open. I was so upset that I didn’t want to eat the fishball noodle. In the end, I had to make do with a red bean paste bun again.

Seeing that I was recharged and so lively in the afternoon, Mommy decided to bring me downstairs to supervise Daddy washing the car. I saw the wording “NO PARKING” on the floor and ran my finger along the letter while trying to read out the letters aloud. I managed to recognize – “K”, “I”, “N” and “G”.
GuGu's Back For Dinner
Daddy was in charge of my dinner feeding tonight as Mommy was busy preparing to go out for a wedding dinner. She was so surprised to see that I could take a whole slice of carrot and a big portion of broccoli without any difficult. When she was feeding me, I would spit out any single bit of veggie whenever I detected their presence. Most of the time, she had to cut the veggie into tiny pieces and mixed them into my rice so that I wouldn’t detect them.
Mommy sneaked out of the house while I was watching VCD in the room. Half way through the show, I felt something was amiss, it was then that I realized that Mommy had gone out. I “phoned” Mommy and she told me that she would be coming home late.
After that, I had no time to miss Mommy as I was busy playing with Aidan… =P. Aidan brought along his bubble gun and we played for a while along the corridor tonight. GuGu wanted to bring me down to NTUC for a walk. I wanted to go with her at first, but back out when I discovered that Daddy wasn’t going down. She successful brought me to the lift before I burst into tears.