Morning Stroll In West Coast Park
Morning @ West Coast Park
With no program for today, Daddy suggested going to West Coast Park for breakfast and a morning stroll. Daddy wanted to explore the area around Carpark C where Uncle Donald’s restaurant and the adventure children playground are located. Daddy and Mommy were very surprised to see so many people there when we arrived. Daddy thought that it was probably due to some company having their health lifestyle event there.
We got our stomach filled at Uncle Donald’s place the very first thing after we arrived. As usual, I had some bread and milk.
With no program for today, Daddy suggested going to West Coast Park for breakfast and a morning stroll. Daddy wanted to explore the area around Carpark C where Uncle Donald’s restaurant and the adventure children playground are located. Daddy and Mommy were very surprised to see so many people there when we arrived. Daddy thought that it was probably due to some company having their health lifestyle event there.
We got our stomach filled at Uncle Donald’s place the very first thing after we arrived. As usual, I had some bread and milk.
… and my usual milk
There are different sections in the playground for different kids of different age groups. We saw an area with rocking horses, seesaw and small slide which looks ideal for toddlers around my age.
Riding the rocking horse and seesaw
There is this section that looks like a pirate ship and it is designed for slightly older children. Daddy said that I could hang around there as long as he was accompanying me. I even boarded the “pirate ship” by climbing up the vertical ladder (with Daddy’s help). The slide in this section is definitely more fun than the previous section.
The “pirate ship”
Boarding the “ship”
Wee… wee… wee
It is fun… hehe
The last section is meant for even much older KorKors and JieJies. It consists of some form of obstacle course. I tried out the balancing beam and fell off it many many times – I think I need to improve on my walking skill.

Testing my walking and balancing skill
Yeah… I finally reach the end point… =)
Round and round we go…
It is too high for me…
As the sun rose higher above our head and it got warmer, Mommy suggested leaving that place for somewhere cooler (with air-con of coz).
Shopping In Bugis Junction
After much thought, we ended up in Bugis Junction. It had been a long time since we last came here. We shopped around and Mommy bought me a blue baseball cup… =).
Feeling hungry, we settled for lunch at the basement foodcourt. I shared sliced fish noodle with Mommy and it wasn’t really very nice. Thinking that I had enough activity for that day, we headed back home to rest for the rest of the day after lunch.
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