Ho... Ho... Ho... Santa Claus is Coming to Town

Does the above scenes look familiar? That is what I usually will do on the MRT train. And this morning we took a long train ride to Punggol again (Aunty Sharon's place) for my second playgroup.
2nd Playgroup @ Punggol
We were to last to arrive Aunty Sharon's place.
Attendance: Sharwyn, Rhyan, Gabriel and Me (Quinn and Justin "skip" lesson)
Theme: Christmas (what else could it be since Christmas is coming)
Playgroup Outline:
1. Sing-along Session (by Mommy) – We sang Christmas carols of coz =)
2. Story Telling Session (by Aunty Kelly) – Aunty Kelly told a story on how Uncle Santa dressed up for Christmas
3. Art & Craft Session (by Aunty Sharon) – I "made" a Christmas tree this time (Mommy did most of the work lah =P)
4. Meet the Santa Session – It was the scariest part of the playgroup
5. Meet the Log cake Session (and eat it of coz... yummy) – Christmas will never be complete without a log cake, right?

Talking about scary incident, I just had one this morning when I met this guy in red with white beard (the adults called him Santa). In fact, all of us (the babies) were terrified by him. The adults even wanted us to take a photo with him. Rhyan was the bravest coz he was the first one to have his picture taken. Gabriel clung onto Aunty Kelly tightly during his turn. As for Sharwyn and me, we cried during our turns. =(
Actually, this Santa guy looked rather familiar... I thought I saw him before??? Oh.. I know who he is lah (DADDY say I can't reveal Santa's secret identity in here =P).

After the "terrifying" experience, we watch Barney together. I noticed that all of my friends are die-hard Barney's fans (just look @ the way their eyes were glued to the tv =P).
Visiting Aunty Christina
We left for Aunty Christina's place (@ Seng Kang) after my lunch and I was so tired that I fell asleep on Mommy's shoulder minutes after we left Aunty Sharon's place. I slept throughout the MRT-LRT journey and continued my nap on Aunty Christina's sofa. Aunty Christina is expecting a boy. Great!!! I will be having another new friend to play with next year =).
Dinner @ HabourFront
Tonight NaiNai had to attend a Christmas party (very happening hor?). So, Daddy and Mommy went out to have their dinner (@ Seah Im Food Centre - opposite HarbourFront). After that, we went to HabourFront Centre to shop. We finally completed 90% of our Christmas shopping there.
Cool Santa!!!
... but err, I'm really bad at this- who was he really? :P
Paragon Basement ELC booth has a jolly angmoh Santa- but must pay $20 for pic. A took 1 look and clung to K, so we didn't.
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