Latest “lipstick” in town – Cherry Red
Hamster Show @ CC
We were back @ Amara Hotel for breakfast this morning (since it was the nearest). As usual, I had toast but this time round, Daddy ordered an extra piece especially for me.

Breakfast @ Amara Hotel
There was a Hamster Show @ the Community Centre and Daddy and Mommy brought me there to take a look. And we were a little bit too early and had to wait for the show to begin. The hamsters are the private collections from a KorKor who stays in our estate too. He has over 40 hamsters in his room. And he was giving away some to anyone who was interested in keeping them. Mommy said I could keep them only when I am older and able to take care of them myself. I even pat one of them after that KorKor assured me that it doesn’t bite. But I still prefer cat… =P
Waiting for the show to begin
First close encounter with a hamster
After the hamster show, we went to NTUC to do some grocery shopping. Just when we were leaving, we ran into GuGu and Aidan. Mommy and I hang around for a little while with them. They just came back from a short vocation trip to China and GuGu bought me a pair of shoes and some mandarin books. =)
GUG Session 7
After being excused from pervious session, Daddy was back with me attending the GUG session.
Today’s letter was ‘W’. I was introduced to an animal with long fury tail (a weasel), water and wheels. Some of us had whiskers drew on our faces (with marker) by Teacher Evelyn. But there was no way that she could lay her marker on my face, as I kept on saying “no no”. I got to know a new insect too – a worm. And we even said a song about “A Thousand Legged Worm”. Some yummy watermelon (a fruit which begins with the letter ‘W’) was served just before the break. It was really sweet but too bad there wasn’t enough for me to sample a second piece… =(.
For arts and crafts, we made watermelon out of a paper plate – I had to print the side of the paper plate with green paint (the skin) and paste the “fresh” (red colour paper) in the center of the plate before gluing the seeds onto the “fresh”.

Eeeeeee… a worm
Mommy was hungry and we went for a bite @ the food court. Since the school holiday was here, United Square was packed with activities during weekends. Last week, MoMo (Elmo) was here. This week, three JieJies came here to visit us – the Power Puff Girls. We hanged around to take some photos before making our way home.

Catching a bite @ the Basement food court
Catch a glimpse @ the Power Puff Girls
Catch of the day – a new paint set
GuGu was back for dinner tonight.
Ting’s Vocabulary
“mai”, ”no” - referring to something that I don’t want
“mee mee” - Mommy
“di di” - Daddy
“sing” - requesting Daddy to sing to me
“bit bit” - rabbit (missing the “rab” part)
“more” - requesting for one action to repeat or more food
“ah ah” - duck (“ah” = duck in hokkien)
“pao pao” - bread, bun or bag (depends on visual signal)
“meow meow” - cat
“bear bear” - my favour terry bear or pooh bear
“poo poo” - break wind
“key” - requesting to go out of the house
“walk walk” - requesting to get down to the floor to walk
“bye bye” - indicating that I am leaving