Playgroup Session #4

I had new form of entertainment (other than reading books) while traveling on the MRT now – playing peek-a-boo with Daddy using my pram's canopy. =)
Playgroup @ Punggol Session 4
Today's playgroup session would be the last before the Chinese New Year. We will be taking a few weeks of break... so sad =(.
Attendance: Sharwyn, Rhayn, Athena, Gabriel, Justin and Me (Quinn was still MIA...)
Theme: Phonics – "B"
Playgroup Outline:
1. Welcome Song (All) – We began the session with the "Welcome Song".
2. English Storytelling (by Aunty Sharon) – Today's story was about a boy going to a picnic with his jungle friends (I didn't remember the title coz I wasn't paying attention =P). I was busy practicing unassisted walking in the middle of the playground coz I was inspired by all the walking KorKors and JieJies around me... hehe.
3. Happy Yoga Session (by Uncle Kevin) – New move added: Row row row your boat. I had a better yoga session and really enjoyed the "upside down yogi" (which I missed next week).
4. Mandarin Storytelling (by Mommy) – Mommy told a story about a 大黄狗 and 小花猫与小老鼠.
5. Arts and Crafts (All) – We did some colouring for today's session.
6. Phonics (by Aunty Mel and Aunty Sherlyn) – We sang the "ABC Song" and "Phonics Zoo". However, the session of Phonics "B" was postponed coz most babies were distracted by then.
Playgroup @ Punggol Session 4
Today's playgroup session would be the last before the Chinese New Year. We will be taking a few weeks of break... so sad =(.
Attendance: Sharwyn, Rhayn, Athena, Gabriel, Justin and Me (Quinn was still MIA...)
Theme: Phonics – "B"
Playgroup Outline:
1. Welcome Song (All) – We began the session with the "Welcome Song".
2. English Storytelling (by Aunty Sharon) – Today's story was about a boy going to a picnic with his jungle friends (I didn't remember the title coz I wasn't paying attention =P). I was busy practicing unassisted walking in the middle of the playground coz I was inspired by all the walking KorKors and JieJies around me... hehe.
3. Happy Yoga Session (by Uncle Kevin) – New move added: Row row row your boat. I had a better yoga session and really enjoyed the "upside down yogi" (which I missed next week).
4. Mandarin Storytelling (by Mommy) – Mommy told a story about a 大黄狗 and 小花猫与小老鼠.
5. Arts and Crafts (All) – We did some colouring for today's session.
6. Phonics (by Aunty Mel and Aunty Sherlyn) – We sang the "ABC Song" and "Phonics Zoo". However, the session of Phonics "B" was postponed coz most babies were distracted by then.
Practicing my walking in the middle of the playgroup
Doing some stretching and then the "upside-down yogi"
The Art and Crafts
After the playground, we had lunch together with Athena, Gabriel and Sharwyn's families @ Punggol Plaza. As usual, I fell asleep on the journey back home.
A Walk In Chinatown
Since we were taking the North East Line back home after the playgroup, Daddy suggested dropping by Chinatown to take a look and top up some of my baby supplies. Daddy wanted me experience the CNY atmosphere but it was really crowded (even in the afternoon) in Chinatown. It was too warm and crowded that Mommy suggested giving it a miss. In the end, we went straight home instead coz Daddy had to prepare my dinner.

A Walk In Chinatown

Dining With Uncle Edmund
Uncle Edmund was back for a short visit and we met up with him for dinner @ Bugis Function (together with Aunty Kaylene and Uncle Raymond). I was only baby around (coz Aunty Kaylene didn't bring Sarah JieJie along and Aunty Wendy can't make it with Jenas DiDi) – so sad. It was so boring for me, Daddy got to bride me with biscuits and entertain me with my books.

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