My Christmas and A Molar
Ho... Ho... Ho... Merry Christmas!!!!! =)
Uncle YiZhao's Housewarming Party
Uncle YiZhao and Aunty Melody invited us to their mini-housewarming party (only immediate relatives were invited). Since their house is so near to GongGong's place, we went back to visit TaiMa and GongGong before going over with YiYi. I had my second log cake... yummy. =)

Uncle YiZhao's place is very nice (Actually "nice" is an understatement. Please pardon my incapability to pull out any bombastic word from my limited vocabulary that can best describe the place =P). There are many paintings and unique furniture there. Most of the ideas are from Aunty Melody (from selection of painting to colours of the wall). Mommy was so impressed that she wanted to "book" Aunty Melody to design for our future flat (so KS... =P).
Although there were no toy and no one around my age in the house, I still enjoyed my afternoon there. How did I occupy myself???? Well... I played piano for a while. I enjoyed staring into the BIG mirror @ the basin cum dressing table in the Master bedroom.
Uncle YiZhao's Housewarming Party
Uncle YiZhao and Aunty Melody invited us to their mini-housewarming party (only immediate relatives were invited). Since their house is so near to GongGong's place, we went back to visit TaiMa and GongGong before going over with YiYi. I had my second log cake... yummy. =)

Uncle YiZhao's place is very nice (Actually "nice" is an understatement. Please pardon my incapability to pull out any bombastic word from my limited vocabulary that can best describe the place =P). There are many paintings and unique furniture there. Most of the ideas are from Aunty Melody (from selection of painting to colours of the wall). Mommy was so impressed that she wanted to "book" Aunty Melody to design for our future flat (so KS... =P).
Although there were no toy and no one around my age in the house, I still enjoyed my afternoon there. How did I occupy myself???? Well... I played piano for a while. I enjoyed staring into the BIG mirror @ the basin cum dressing table in the Master bedroom.

There are a lot of games to play @ Uncle YiZhao's place (but all are too complex for me). I could only look on while the YiYis and Uncles were enjoying their game (Hopefully I will be able to play with those games soon).

While we were on my way back home on the MRT train, I met this KorKor who wanted to play with my fan and read my boardbook. Being a nice lady, I let him played with my fan. He even posed for a picture to be taken by Mommy... wahaha.

My First Molar
If you have super eye-sight, you may have spotted my first molar in one of the photo in the previous posting. For the benefits of all, this is a close-up look @ my molar.

My Development Updates
- Able to walk more comfortably with just one hand held
- Walked unassisted for 3-4 steps (but without any ability to balance myself) – Daddy said technically I am not "walking unassistedly" yet =(
- Pouted when Mommy says "Kiss Kiss"
- Like to play with my shoes and attempt to put them on myself
- Completed reinforcement of the concept of "ear"
- In progress: concept of tummy (slightly understand and need a bit more work), nodding head to indicate "YES" and shaking head to indicate "NO" (no sign of understanding and require LOTS of effort)
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