Swimming @ Mt Faber

Today is Good Friday – a public holiday; Daddy and Mommy didn’t need to work and I didn’t need to go to school too. Daddy decided to bring me over to SAFRA Mount Faber for a drip in the morning. It had been a very long time since I last went for a swim (and I almost couldn’t fit into my swimming costume… =P). I was so excited that I kept on chanting “I am to go swimming, I am to do swimming” while we were making our way there.
How do I look? =)
However, once I was there and I realized that swimming means going down into the cold water, I refused to go into the water. Daddy tried to entice me to go into the water with a slide on the side of the pool but that didn’t work at first. It was only after some persuading from Mommy that I finally had a go at the slide. I didn’t want to go for a second round after getting myself wet. In the end, I preferred to just sit by the edge of the pool – kicking water and splashing water onto Daddy’s face.
It took me another 15 minutes before I willingly get my body into the water. Even while in the water, I wasn’t willing to move around. I just preferred to sit around in the water, while making sure that Daddy was always beside me. And it was only after another 10 minutes that I finally managed to set my feet onto the floor of the pool to walk. I walked from 1 edge of the pool to another and I was beginning to enjoy it. But it was time for us to leave, after spending around 45 minutes in the pool. Daddy promised to bring me back here whenever we are free… =).
Finally got my body into the water
After the drip, we explored the area for a while. Daddy discovered an outdoors playground and we spent a short while there before making our way to a nearby hawker center for lunch.
At the playground
School Updates:
I have been in school for slightly more than two months now. 林老师 has taken away my security object (my small pooh bear) starting from the beginning of this week. Up to now, I am doing fine without it. I am starting to interact and talk with my classmates now. Sometimes, I will even sing songs with my classmates when I am in a good mood. It is really a surprise for Daddy and Mommy coz I seldom open my “golden mouth”.
On Thursday (05/04/2007), I did something that made Daddy and Mommy felt very relieved – I didn’t cry for the first time when Daddy/Mommy dropped me off at the school.
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